Cold therapy

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What is Cold Therapy?

Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is an innovative approach to pain relief and recovery that is becoming increasingly popular. By specifically applying low temperatures, cold therapy offers a refreshing and effective approach to recovery and health. In recent years, cold body therapy has gained serious popularity as it has been linked to numerous health benefits. Some people, including professional athletes, bodybuilders and celebrities, even swear by cold therapy.

How does Cold Therapy work?

Cold therapy uses cold elements strategically to reduce inflammation, relieve pain and stimulate the body's natural healing process. Whether you're an athlete seeking recovery after intense training, someone with chronic pain, or simply looking for a boost to your overall well-being, cold therapy can be your ally. The cooling effects of cold therapy promote faster circulation of blood and reduce swelling, making it an ideal addition to injury recovery and post-operative care. In addition, it can be used to reduce muscle pain, promote healthy skin and relieve stress.

Benefits of Cold Therapy

  • Faster Physical Recovery

    Cold water immersion can also make athletes feel like they are recovering better. A 2017 study found that MMA competitors who soaked in cold water after exercise experienced less soreness than those who did not.

  • Deeper Sleep

    The cold water can have a positive effect on the central nervous system, helping you sleep and feel better after being immersed for up to 3 minutes.

  • Improved Blood Circulation

    An ice-cold bath can sometimes make your heart happy. When you immerse yourself in cold water, blood flows to your vital organs. Your heart then has to work harder, pushing blood through your blood vessels and giving your body the essential oxygen and nutrients it needs.

  • Break Off Stubborn Fat

    Bruin Vet is specialized; when activated by cold, it produces heat and helps maintain our body temperature. When you immerse in cold water, your body detects the cold and activates the brown fat. This fat burns the stored energy and converts it directly into heat, which warms you up. Activating brown fat results in increased calorie burning, can potentially aid weight loss and improves metabolism.

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety

    According to 2018 research, cold stimulation stimulates the vagus nerve, lowering heart rate and potentially reducing stress. In a 2014 review of hydrotherapy treatments, researchers concluded that cold exposure (such as a cold compress or ice bath) can improve the capacity and function of your central nervous system (CNS). A functional central nervous system can help you sleep better and simply feel better.

  • Stronger Immune System

    There is some scientific evidence that ice baths boost immunity. A 2016 study published in the journal PLoS One found that people who take an ice bath are almost 30 percent less likely to call in sick for work or school.

Sneller Fysiek Herstel
Diepere Slaap
Verbeterde Bloedsomloop
Breek Hardnekkig Vet Af
Verminderde Stress en Angst
Sterker Immuunsysteem

Celebrities About Cold Therapy

Wim Hof, Iceman
Cristiano Ronaldo, CR7
Rico Verhoeven, The King of Kickboxing
Tony Robbins

I always say, a cold shower a day keeps the doctor away!

Wim Hof, Iceman

I was so determined to be the best that I would take an ice bath at 3:00 in the morning.

Cristiano Ronaldo, CR7

The perfect kick start!

Rico Verhoeven, The King of Kickboxing

Ice baths can help me reduce stress and boost overall well-being.

Tony Robbins

Don't just trust our words...

Experts on Cold Therapy

Dr. Andrew Huberman, a leading neurobiologist and professor of neurobiology at Stanford University, is also known as the host of the Huberman Lab podcast.

In a recent clip he discusses the benefits of cold therapy, such as taking ice baths. Cold therapy is an emerging approach that uses exposure to cold temperatures to address various health concerns, such as inflammation, muscle recovery and stress reduction.

Wetenschappelijke studies Koudetherapie

The million dollar question.

But... Does It Really Work?

We could bombard you with scientific studies and controlled experiments (click the button below if you're interested).

In simpler terms, yes , according to current scientific literature, we strongly believe that the majority of people can experience significant benefits by incorporating cold therapy into their daily routine for improved sleep, recovery, and overall proactive health.

Scientific studies of cold therapy

Questions about Cold Therapy

How long should you stay in cold water?

Cold water therapy works best with the right combination of time and temperature. For example, if you are in water at 10Ā°C, we recommend not staying inside for more than 10 minutes.

Temporary examples:
1Ā°C = 1min immersion
3Ā°C = 3 minutes immersion
5Ā°C = 5 minutes immersion
10Ā°C = 10 minutes immersion

How do I keep the water clean?

Always keep the lid on when you are not using the ice bath to prevent dirt from falling in! We recommend changing the water once a week without additives.

When you drain the water from your bath, we recommend washing the interior surfaces with warm, soapy water to extend the life of the ice bath.

How do I keep the water cold?

The ice bath is integrated with thermally insulated TPE layers and a lid to keep the time cold.

We recommend placing the ice bath in the shade to maximize the passive cooling effect at night and then adding ice or ice blocks if necessary.

Can I use Epsom salts in my ice bath?

Yes, it's fine to add Epsom salt to your ice bath, there are some very good reasons why you might want to!

Espom salts are safe to use and may have health benefits by replenishing magnesium levels, but chloride salts (e.g. table salt, road salt) are not safe to use.

When not to use cold therapy?

Cold therapy is not suitable for people with sensory disorders that prevent them from feeling certain sensations. We also advise against applying cold therapy at home without any help from a specialist. This also applies to people with diabetes and/or poor circulation.

Why choose cold therapy?

Choose the power of cold and discover how cold therapy can improve your quality of life. It is not only a benefit for the body, but also for the mind. Step into a world where refreshment is synonymous with recovery and vitality. Give yourself the opportunity to benefit from the healing properties of cold therapy and embrace a cold, invigorating revolution for your health and well-being.