

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice in which an individual focuses his or her attention on a particular object, thought, or activity to cultivate inner peace, calmness, and awareness. This can be achieved through various techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, breathing exercises, visualization or repeating mantras.

How does Meditation work?

Meditation works by calming and focusing the mind, achieving a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. During meditation, attention is consciously focused on the present moment, observing thoughts, emotions and external stimuli without getting involved. This process helps reduce stress, improve concentration and promote emotional well-being.

Benefits of Meditating

  • Stress reduction

    Meditation can help reduce stress by reducing the production of stress hormones such as cortisol and activating the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a state of deep relaxation.

  • Improved Concentration

    With regular practice, meditation can improve concentration and focus, making the mind clearer and more alert.

  • Emotional Well-being

    Meditation can help reduce negative emotions such as anxiety, depression and irritability, while at the same time increasing positive emotions such as happiness and satisfaction.

  • Emotional Control & Enhanced Self-Awareness

    Meditation can help people better manage their emotions by making them aware of their thoughts and feelings, allowing them to develop a more balanced and calm response to stressful situations.

  • Improved Sleep Quality

    By calming and relaxing the mind, meditation can help improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia.

  • Strengthening the Immune System & Improved Relationships

    Research suggests that meditation can strengthen the immune system by reducing inflammation and promoting a healthy immune response, while also helping to improve relationships by developing compassion, empathy and acceptance.

Verbeterde Concentratie
Emotioneel Welzijn
Beheersing van Emoties & Verhoogde Zelfbewustwording
Verbeterde Slaapkwaliteit
Versterking van het Immuunsysteem & Verbeterde Relaties

Celebrities About Meditation

Wim Hof, Iceman
Tony Robbins
Oprah Winfrey
Selena Gomez

Meditating is exercising your brain, just like you train your body by executing physical exercises.

Wim Hof, Iceman

I created a 10-minute daily exercise called "priming," based on techniques found in yoga and Buddhist mindfulness meditation

Tony Robbins

Meditation helps me to calm down

Lady Gaga

I use tools like acupuncture, meditation, visualization, and breathing exercises


Learning how to meditate was one of the “most life-enhancing things I ever did.

Oprah Winfrey

Meditation sessions have helped me overcome my struggles with anxiety and depression.

Selena Gomez

Don't just trust our words...

Experts on Meditation

Dr. Andrew Huberman, a leading neurobiologist and professor of neurobiology at Stanford University, is also known as the host of the Huberman Lab podcast.

In a recent clip he discussed the benefits of meditation, such as promoting inner peace and emotional balance. Meditation is an age-old practice that uses mindfulness and focus to calm the mind and reduce stress. This approach offers numerous benefits, including improved mental clarity, emotional resilience and an overall sense of well-being.


The million dollar question.

But... Does It Really Work?

We could bombard you with scientific studies and controlled experiments (click the button below if you're interested).

In simpler terms, yes , based on recent scientific research, we are confident that most people can experience significant benefits by incorporating meditation into their daily routine. This can lead to better sleep, faster recovery, and an overall proactive approach to health and wellness.

Scientific studies meditate

Questions about Meditation

How can meditation improve my life?

Meditation can improve your life in several ways, such as reducing stress, improving concentration, promoting emotional well-being, and increasing self-awareness and self-acceptance.

What different types of meditation techniques are there?

There are several meditation techniques, including mindfulness meditation, breathing meditation, guided visualization, mantra meditation and transcendental meditation.

How often should I meditate to see results?

It is recommended to meditate regularly, such as daily for 10-20 minutes, to experience consistent results. However, even shorter sessions can provide benefits.

What should I do if my mind wanders while meditating?

It is normal for your mind to wander while meditating. Simply bring your attention back to your breathing, a mantra or the object of meditation.

Can meditation help reduce anxiety and depression?

Yes, several studies have shown that meditation can be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, and promoting emotional well-being.

Do I need to adopt a specific posture while meditating?

There is no "correct" position for meditation, but it is important to sit or lie comfortably, with a straight back and relaxed muscles.

Can meditation help improve my sleep?

Yes, meditation can help improve sleep quality by calming the mind and reducing stress, making it easier to fall asleep and sleep more deeply.

How can I integrate meditation into my daily routine?

You can integrate meditation into your daily routine, for example, by meditating for a few minutes in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to sleep. It can also be helpful to combine meditation with other daily activities, such as yoga or a walk.