Scientific studies Cold therapy

Updated: 18/09/23
  1. Short aerobic exercise immediately improves visual attention control and perceptual speed. Testing the mediating role of feelings of energy - View Scientific Article
  2. Human physiological responses to immersion in water of different temperatures - View Scientific Article
  3. Altered thermoregulation of brown fat and enhanced cold-induced thermogenesis in young, healthy men swimming in winter - View Scientific Article
  4. Plasticity of adipose tissue in health and disease - View Scientific Article
  5. Caffeine increases the availability of striatal dopamine D2/D3 receptors in the human brain - View Scientific Article
  6. Impact of cold-water immersion compared with passive recovery after a single strenuous exercise session on sports performance in physically active participants: a systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression - View Scientific Article
  7. Novel application of chemical cold packs for the treatment of exercise-induced hyperthermia: a randomized controlled trial - View Scientific Article
  8. Work volume and strength training responses to resistance exercise improve with periodic heat dissipation from the palm - View Scientific Article